CPE Central's
Accounting & Financial Reporting Update - 16 Credit Hour Course
This course covers the various changes to accounting and financial reporting affecting the accounting professional.
16 Credit Hours - Accounting
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Learning Path Overview
Course Text
Exam Text
80 Question Online Exam
Progress Report
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to inform the reader of the various changes to accounting and financial reporting affecting the accounting professional. Topics include a review of proposed FASB projects including those related to financial performance, leases, financial instruments and revenue, practice issues involving the statement of cash flows, fair value reporting, pensions, the international convergence project, little GAAP, and more. The structure of the course is to encourage the reader to recall existing GAAP rules coupled with identifying, stating and outlining rules related to new and proposed pronouncements.
2024-25 Edition
2024-25 Edition
Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Course Instructions
Study the course text which may be downloaded and printed, and take the optional Review Questions for each chapter.
Then take the Final Exam. A Final Exam consists of 5 questions per credit hour with unlimited attempts. Final exams are divided into 25 question parts for of ease taking and re-taking longer exams. Each part is graded separately and may be re-taken separately. All parts must be passed with a minimum score of 70% to complete a course.
Upon successful completion, the participant will automatically receive a Certificate of Completion. The certificate may be downloaded and printed.
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